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Waste Not, Want Not

Indonesia produces 64 million tons of waste every year. Here’s what we can do to play our part and reduce waste from home.

There is no way around it. Waste is an unavoidable by-product of our activities and consumption. From agricultural waste related to the growing of crops to our very own household waste made of kitchen leftovers or shampoo bottles, waste affects our environment and health.

With half of Indonesia’s population currently living in urban areas, it is not a surprise that municipalities generate an estimated 105,000 tons of solid waste a day. To make matters worse, open dumping and landfills are the most widely used method of solid waste disposal in this country.

E-buses leading the movement toward clean-energy transportation.

Transportation accounts for nearly a quarter of global CO2 emissions, according to the World Resources Institute. It is a major contributor to climate change and, without intervention, it is likely the trend will continue in the coming years.

Electric vehicles (EV) are the talk of the town nowadays and for reasons we can all understand: clean energy. The rise of urbanization calls for sustainable solutions that aim for higher mobility and less pollution — and at the top of the list are electric buses.

Recognized as the center of Malay culture in Indonesia, Riau is preserving its cultural heritage via sustainable tourism programs.

Its situation in the central-eastern coast of Sumatra and located along the Malacca Strait has given Riau an advantage. For centuries, merchants and traders have visited Riau. Kingdoms and sultanates flourished amid its rich and diverse landscapes. Its rich history also gives way to a highly diverse population, with communities tied to several ethnic groups: Malays, Javanese, Chinese, Minangkabau, Batak, Buginese, and Banjarese identify themselves as Orang Riau. These priceless cultural assets are the heritage of Riau, and efforts in preserving them have been underway in recent years, especially the revitalization of Malay culture as the province’s identity. 

As the world's largest archipelagic nation, whose unity depends on how it values diversity, the various ethnic backgrounds that make up the country's population and culture are essential elements that determine Indonesia's survival. The story of Indonesia's independence celebrates diversity amid adversity. Among the government's chief responsibilities is its commitment to preserving the people's varied customs and traditions.

The Malay legacy of Riau is an identity that needs to be celebrated through its architecture, literature, history, tradition, cuisine, and many more.

Here is how paper has the potential to contribute to a sustainable future.

 Paper is an inseparable part of our lives. From the box that contains our breakfast cereal to the documents we print for work, paper is widely used in all aspects of our day. There are many types of paper available in the market today, which we'll get into shortly. But first, let's talk about the global demand for eco-friendly paper amid rising awareness of sustainability. What is eco-friendly paper?

We understand that paper is made from wood pulp, and that pulp originates from freshly cut trees. However, contrary to popular belief, with the appropriate management and guidelines, wood is a truly renewable and sustainable resource.


Paper is an inseparable part of our lives

Producing paper sustainably means it requires all producers to adhere to specific guidelines that allows their natural resources to be well-managed and protected. Through innovative solutions, such as tree replanting and area mapping, it is possible to ensure that responsible wood, pulp and paper production contributes to healthy growing forests.