
Latest news, updates and information on APRIL Group

2020 has been a tough year for all of us. However, with the help of our Core Values, APRIL has managed to convert challenges into opportunities. Here are some of the highlights of 2020:


Indonesia President Visit

We welcomed President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to our complex in Riau, Sumatra to inaugurate the largest integrated viscose rayon production facility in Indonesia, Asia Pacific Rayon (APR), a business group managed by RGE.

Sustainable Business Award

APRIL won five awards at the Sustainable Business Awards Indonesia, including the overall winner award. 


CSR Brand Equity Award

APRIL Group received the 2020 CSR Brand Equity Award for the Basic Industry category by Iconomics.


Covid-19 Donation

APRIL helped Tanoto Foundation respond to the Indonesian government’s request for vital equipment to fight Covid-19 by donating 1 million surgical and medical masks, 1 million surgical gloves, 100,000 PPE gowns, and 3,000 safety goggles.


IPRA Award

APRIL received an Indonesia Public Relations Award from Warta Ekonomi for best Public Relations Activity Strategy by a Popular Basic Industry & Chemicals Company in Indonesia, under the theme 'PR Transformation in The Era of New Normal (After Pandemic Era)’


APRIL 2019 Sustainability Report

APRIL Group published its 2019 Sustainability Report, detailing the company’s progress and its performance against its sustainability commitments.

New challenges have served to reaffirm APRIL’s resolve to invest in nature and science-led progress towards a lower carbon economy, thriving landscapes, inclusive progress for people, and sustainable growth for our business.



#BerkahPiringKosong Campaign

APRIL partnered with the environmental movement Zero Waste Indonesia to raise awareness of the growing problem of food waste through an Instagram campaign. More than 3,000 people posted photos of their empty plates, with APRIL donating IDR5,000 for each one.

The Iconomics #CSR Award 2020

APRIL Group won the Iconomics CSR Award 2020 for Covid-19 Emergency Initiative for Medical and Community Development. RAPP’s emergency taskforce has been ensuring that employees and their families follow our health protocols, while we’ve made several donations to help protect local communities and maintain the nation’s resiliency in the face the pandemic.

Masks Donation

APRIL Group donated cloth masks made of viscose rayon to the people of Riau. A total of 400,000 masks were handed over to the Governor of Riau.



APRIL2030 Launch

APRIL announced APRIL2030, our commitment to deliver a positive impact on climate, nature and people while growing as a sustainable producer of renewable fiber based products.

Siddhakarya Productivity & K3 Award

PT RAPP received the Siddhakarya Productivity and Occupational Health and Safety (K3) award 2020 on Riau Province level for the HIV/AIDS safety in the workplace category


Indonesia CSR Award 2020


APRIL Group won two awards at the Indonesian CSR Awards 2020 from the Corporate Forum For Community Development (CFCD). We received the Platinum Award for our community development work to help SMEs in 61 villages, and the Gold Award for School Improvement in 48 villages. We are committed to continuing our efforts to help local communities to grow sustainably.

Indonesian Export Products to the Global Market

APRIL Group took part in the virtual ‘Release of Indonesian Export Products to the Global Market’ event by the Ministry of Trade to try to stimulate cross-border trade.


These achievements are the fuel for APRIL to keep doing business in a sustainable manner and moving forward with our 5Cs business principles, which means making sure that our business is ‘Good for Community, Good for Country, Good for Climate, Good for Customer and Good for Company’.

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