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Many of the employees living in and around our Riau Complex in Pangkalan Kerinci take company buses to work.

While these buses help reduce the number of vehicles on the roads, we wanted to go even further, and in September 2021 introduced the first-ever electric buses in Riau Province.

APRIL Group partnered with Indonesian manufacturer PT Mobil Anak Bangsa (MAB) to procure two zero-emission electric buses as part of our APRIL2030 commitment to reduce our emissions, while also helping support the Indonesian government’s program for climate change action.

The 12-metre buses are fully charged in just three hours, and have proven a huge hit with staff.

“I used to drive my vehicle before the electric buses came to be. Electric cars are becoming common for us. We’ve heard it, seen it, some of us might have been taking a ride in it. But the electric bus is something completely new,” said Findo Eka Sada Sitepu, who works in the Civil Construction Department.

“Now, I’m taking the bus regularly. Not only does the comfortable ride with the bus helped me to get to work on time, but I also struck up new friendships with employees from other departments,” he said.

“The electric buses have triggered me to invite all fellow employees to take part in the eco-friendly actions in Riau Complex,” Findo said.

The electric buses are just one part of our commitment to reduce carbon emissions across our operations as part of our APRIL2030 sustainability commitment, which was unveiled in 2020.

APRIL2030 is our vision for meeting the challenges of the next decade, and is comprised of four commitments with 18 ambitious targets – Climate Positive, Thriving Landscape, Inclusive Progress and Sustainable Growth.

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