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It’s a day to be happy! The United Nations (UN) has proclaimed March 20 as the International Day of Happiness to recognize the importance of three key aspects that will lead to human well-being and happiness: reducing inequality, ending poverty, and protecting our planet.

For APRIL, happy employees are crucial to our business. Celebrating this day, we spoke to five of our employees to learn how they find happiness at APRIL.

Suarta E. Katang – Working Together for the Environment

As an Environment Officer in APRIL, Suarta’s way in finding happiness is as simple as protecting the earth. But one thing that he always knows for sure, is that his efforts won’t matter if he does it alone.

This awareness brought Suarta to start talking to teachers, students, and members of his community to collaborate in executing EDUGREEN, an educational environmental event, in 2014.

The event was attended by teachers and students from five high schools in Pangkalan Kerinci, representatives of local conservation institutions as well as other community members.

“In that event, we did various activities like learning together about the protected forest areas, planting trees, and introduced and educated people on how to produce Sialang honey from the Sialang trees to improve the local economy,” Suarta explained.

“It was a small move, but I believe it would give a huge impact on the character development of the young generations,” he continued. “I can’t describe how happy I was throughout the whole process and I would love to do it again soon!”

Fachrur Rozy – Striving for Education

Fachrur, a Continuous Improvement Associate, managed to realize his professional goal in APRIL Group and moved to his dream position in the company.

Fachrur first joined APRIL Group on October 2009 as an Equipment Operator, holding only a high school diploma.

But, Fachrur knew that he wanted to do something else in APRIL. Deep down, he knew that he always wanted to be part of the Business Continuous Improvement Department. Although he enjoyed working with machines, what he really wanted was to nurture and communicate with other people to help them realise their true potential.

“I continued my education, took the executive class and joined the class every Saturday and Sunday. No resting in the weekend,” Fachrur said. He took 90-minute trips by motorcycle from his home in Pangkalan Kerinci to the campus in Pekanbaru.

“A year after I received my bachelor’s degree in 2019, I was promoted to the position that I always longed for,” he said.

“That is happiness for me. When you are surrounded by people who value your efforts and give you a chance to make you dream come true,” said Fachrur.

Tiurma Rosinta – Women Can Fit in the Forest

In Indonesia, enthusiasm for nature is still sometimes associated with men. But, that is not true for Tiurma. As a Communication Officer for Riau Ecosystem Restoration (RER), Tiurma, also known as Tiur, always enjoys every opportunity to get into the wild.

“For me, the forest has everything. It has the mystery that humans will never be able to unfold. Every step into the forest is a different journey,” she said.

“I can remember clearly the first time I went into RER’s forest in the Kampar Peninsula. The moment I saw hundreds, even thousands of gigantic trees, I jumped out of excitement. Not realizing that my shoes had been submerged in the black water, which then I knew as peat water,” she said.

“It is so easy to fall in love with the forest,” she added.

Six years and counting in RER has taught many lessons for Tiur. One moment she will never forget is when she took part in the rescue of a trapped Sumatran Tiger in 2019.

“I couldn’t hold my tears from falling, witnessing the tiger’s condition. Such a mighty creature was lying helplessly due to the wounds caused by the poacher’s inhumane trap,” Tiur said as she recounted the moment.

That moment made Tiur realize that her work in promoting the importance of the forest is crucial to save the environment as well as the future of humankind.

“For me, happiness is to be paid doing the job that you love and taking part in something bigger than yourself,” she said.

Jesyen Hutapea – The Value of Honesty

As a part of the Finishing Department, Jesyen knew that trouble with the machine would be a big problem for the whole team. In 2010, that problem occurred.

“We just changed the belt for 12 hours and the machine didn’t work,” Jesyen said.

The next morning, when his manager found out about it, the team was instructed to find out the cause of the problem.

“And that was when I realized the problem occurred because I didn’t do my job correctly,” he said. “I could have find another reason and lied, but I chose to tell the truth. Even though that was risking my position.”

After telling the truth, his manager removed Jesyen from the task and assigned him to another project.

“I was disappointed, but I knew I’m doing the right thing. I should take the responsibility for my own mistake,” said Jesyen.

A month later, his manager called him and put him back to work on his previous task.

“He gave me a second chance because he appreciated my honesty and he knew that I’ve learned the lesson. That’s why I believe that working with integrity and honesty will always bring me happiness at work,” Jesyen said.

Resbianto – Taking the Right Action at the Right Time

The last story came from Resbianto during his night shift in the Transport Division.

It was raining at 2.00am when Resbianto and his colleagues heard a loud noise outside. It came from a 10,000 liter fuel truck which had caught fire.

When an accident happens, it’s crucial that everyone knows what to do. Until today, Resbianto feels blessed to be a part of a great team with excellent teamwork.

“We had to move fast. One second too late, the truck might explode and the fire might burst into the other tanks,” Resbianto recalled the moment.

“And, no one needed to be told what to do. Everyone was moving so fast, already knew what actions needed to solve the big problem before our eyes,” he continued.

“I took the part to extinguish the fire with several other people. It was so hot. But my instinct told me to go on as I was sure that the other team members were doing their best with their parts,” Resbianto said.

It was not long until the safety team and firefighters came and tackled the problem.

“In that emergency situation, I knew that I’m working with the best people who will take the right action at the right time to save the day. And I’m very happy to be a part of an amazing team,” Resbianto concluded.

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