
Latest news, updates and information on APRIL Group

In 2016 APRIL implemented its grievance mechanism after consultation with local and international NGOs, and published its Grievance Resolution Procedure (GRP). The GRP provides external stakeholders, especially local communities, a transparent way to raise their concerns related to APRIL’s operations and those of its suppliers.

Ika Citra Marlina - APRIL Sustainability Professional Development Program 2018

A grievance mechanism is an important element of any company’s stakeholder engagement process. It allows the company to engage continuously with stakeholders, therefore creating opportunities to prove that their concerns are taken seriously and that the company is willing to find a solution together. This process creates trust between the company and stakeholders and strengthens the social license to operate.

I believe that when companies want to get serious about making a difference, they have to look not at only making an impact outside their walls, but also seek to spur a culture of positive change from within. Thus, I was encouraged by the recent opportunity to help launch a campaign to spark meaningful behavioural change among staff in the Royal Golden Eagle Jakarta office.

RGE Plastic Free Challenge 2019

With the support of management, a small team from sustainability came together to craft an initiative to raise awareness on the issues surrounding single-use plastics.

The benefits of plastic are unquestionable. It’s cheap, lightweight and ubiquitous. But plastic can take thousands of years to break down, and the growing use of single-use plastics is becoming one of our planet’s greatest environmental challenges.

Sustainability is at the core of our business, and our staff wanted to take action. And that led to the recent Plastic-Free Challenge in our office in Jakarta, which saw hundreds of staff pledge to cut down their plastic use.

Plastic-Free Challenge 2019

It was 2016 when a few employees of Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) realized that were all doing the same thing every day – taking their bicycles to work.

Bike to Work

With a shared love for their two-wheeled vehicles, they soon grouped together to form the Riau Complex Cycling Community (RCCC). Today, there are 70 members in the club, whose ages range from 25 to 50.