
Latest news, updates and information on APRIL Group

They may be confined to their homes by the global Covid-19 pandemic, but that hasn’t stopped the pupils of Mutiara Harapan School (SMH) in the RAPP Complex from showing up for class. Virtual class that is.

Teachers began online classes from the start of this week, ensuring that education continues for the school’s 580 pupils, who are aged 4 to 17.

“I can say that with the online classes I have hosted, the children have so enjoyed seeing their friends on screen,” said Cheryl Wevell, who teaches art at the PYP levels (Grades 1 to 6).

Happy International Women’s Day (IWD) 2020! This year’s IWD emphasizes the importance of gender equality, under the theme of ‘Collective Individualism’.

We’ve got an abundance of talent here APRIL Group, so we decided to commission members of the Riau Andalan Photography Club (KOPRAL) to take portraits of some of their female colleagues across all our different departments and offices.

Hear from eight of the women below:

Artauli Agustina

When Heru Ardila Putra first moved to Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper’s (RAPP’s) complex in Pangkalan Kerinci, he was a school pupil. Today, thanks to a combination of hard work and scholarships he received from the company, he’s a pillar of the community as a doctor at the onsite clinic.

Heru’s desire to become a doctor and help the people of RAPP has its roots in his childhood in the complex, where his father still works as a mechanic.

2019 was an exciting year for APRIL Group, with many of our sustainability and CSR achievements receiving notable recognition from various organizations in Indonesia. Have a look at some of the highlights:

Sustainable Business Awards (SBAs) of Indonesia
Held since 2012, the Sustainable Business Awards (SBAs) recognizes leadership in sustainable business practices. In January, APRIL was announced as the winner of the Best UN Sustainable Development Goals Program Award at the SBAs of Indonesia. The SBAs are a good indicator for APRIL to calculate and measure the impact of our investment into SDGs.